Massage & Reflexology
Massage has far-reaching effects across the whole body. Whether your aim in coming for a massage is for general relaxation, stress reduction, specific pain relief or to aid rehabilitation of an injury, the massage will affect all your body systems.
Amongst many other things massage promotes production and circulation of endorphins (the body’s ‘feel good’ hormones), decreases heart rate and blood pressure and enables a more relaxed breathing rate. It increases circulation of oxygen and white blood cells to facilitate optimal function of muscles and organs and to promote tissue healing.
The healing effects of massage & therapeutic touch are astonishing. I love being able to use my knowledge & skills to help people find relief from pain & the stressors of every day life, responding to each individual’s needs to care for you uniquely.
Reflexology is a deeply relaxing therapy that encourages the body to restore balance and improve well-being. Pressure is applied to specific points on the feet which are connected to the organs & structures of the body.
Reflexology as an holistic therapy is based on the principal that health is the result of harmony between body, mind & spirit. Stress in any area, whether physical, environmental, social or psychological, can upset this balance & lead to ‘dis-ease’.
The state of relaxation reached through a reflexology treatment helps the body move away from any excess or unnecessary adrenal stress response enabling the parasympathetic nervous system to function effectively in its role to regulate basic body functions.
Benefits of Reflexology
Reflexology can aid sleep, promote a sense of well-being, improve mood and encourage relaxation.